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Please feel free to download OCC's 2021 Campaign Call and share it within your union, your local and or your committee's 

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LOTS of LOVE Going Out to the Following 2021 Supporters!

December 16, 2021 - $59,034 has been raised!

Lots of Love, (((hugs))) & Thanks going out to Operation Christmas Cheers 2021 supporters ❤️

December 16, 2021;  American Income Life - Texas, CUPE 2361 - London, CUPE 1287 - Thorold, CUPE National - Canada, ETFO Bluewater - Owen Sound, ETFO Hamilton Wentworth DECE - Hamilton, ETFO Rainbow Teachers' Local - Sudbury, ETFO Upper Grand - Guelph, ETFO Waterloo Region - Kitchener, Hamilton Steelworkers Area Council - Hamilton,  Hamilton Wentworth ETFO - Hamilton, International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers Local 128 - Burlington, International Union of Elevator Constructors 96 - Ottawa,  LIUNA 527 & 527A - Ottawa,  North Bay District Labour Council - North Bay,  OECTA Dufferin Peel Secondary - Mississauga, OECTA PVNC Unit - Peterborough, OSSTF Provincial Office - Toronto,  OSSTF District 19 Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit - Mississauga, OSSTF District 12 Bargaining Unit - Toronto, OSSTF District 19 Peel - Mississauga, Peel Regional Labour Council - Brampton,  UFCW 1006A - Ontario,  UFCW 175 & 633 - Ontario, UNIFOR 16-0 - Goderich, UNIFOR 27C - Toronto, UNIFOR 28-0 - Brockville, UNIFOR 46 - London, UNIFOR 483 United Food Processors' Union - Cardinal, UNIFOR 685 - Peterborough, UNIFOR 88 - Ingersoll, UNIFOR 975 - Scarborough,  Unifor National - Canada, USW 4120 - Guelph, USW 9426 - Wawa, AMAPCEO - Toronto, OECTA Simcoe Muskoka - Barrie, Louis Clausi - Timmins, ETFO Ottawa Carleton - Ottawa, NUPGE - Canada, Ontario Nurses Association - Ontario, Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association - Ontario, 




December 2, 2021;  Chuck Hill - California, Barbara & Philip Kosow - Toronto, CUPE 4207 - St Catherines, CUPE CSU Solidarity Fund - Thornhill, CUPE CSU Solidarity Fund - Toronto, Elementary Teachers Federation Ontario - Toronto, ETFO Durham Teachers - Whitby, ETFO Peel Elementary Teachers' Local - Mississauga, ETFO Simcoe - Barrie, ETFO York Region - Aurora, Grey Bruce Labour Council - Ripley, Maryanna Lewyckyj - Toronto, Nancy Faraday - Ottawa, Ottawa Carleton Elementary Occasional Teachers' Association - Ottawa, OECTA Grey Bruce - Kemble, OECTA Brant Haldimand Norfolk - Brantford, OECTA Dufferin & Peel Elementary - Mississauga, OPSEU 102 - London, Pat Kerwin - Ottawa, UNIFOR 1941 - Tilbury, UNIFOR 1999 - Simcoe, UNIFOR 2458 Windsor, Unifor 252 - Mississauga, Unifor 27 - London, UNIFOR 79M - Ajax, USW 9511 - Toronto, USW District 6 - Toronto & Ontario, OECTA Simcoe & Muskoka, AMAPCEO - Toronto 


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